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Adopt Me!
Anubis (5600) #5600
Female Dog
Pit Bull Terrier
brown brindle and white
Age: 6 years
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Archie #t
Male Dog
tri-colored (black, tan, white)
Age: 2 years
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Aries (5806) #5806
Male Dog
Pit Bull Terrier
chocolate and white
Age: 3 years
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Athena #t
Female Dog
Pit Bull Terrier
grey and white
Age: 11 years
Adopt Me!
Aurora (5734) #5734
Female Dog
Boxer - Pit Bull Terrier
black and white
Age: 6 years
Adopt Me!
Baby / Honey Baby (5895) #5895
Female Dog
Labrador Retriever
Age: 6 years
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Baby C #t
Female Dog
Pit Bull Terrier
tan and white
Age: 1 year
Adopt Me!
Burtha (5783) #5783
Female Dog
tan and white
Age: 3 years
Adopt Me!
Cain (5838) #5838
Male Dog
Pit Bull Terrier
tan and white
Age: 9 years
Adopt Me!
Canelo (5700) #5700
Male Dog
red brown and white
Age: 4 years
Adopt Me!
Celine (5823) #5823
Female Dog
Maltese - Shih Tzu
Age: 2 years
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Chula (5654) #5654
Female Dog
American Staffordshire Terrier
tri-colored (gray, tan, white)
Age: 9 years
Adopt Me!
Chunk (5805) #5805
Male Dog
Pit Bull Terrier - Labrador Retriever
brown and white
Age: 2 years
Adopt Me!
Corky (5886) #5886
Male Dog
German Shepherd Dog
Age: 6 months
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Farrah (5756) #5756
Female Dog
Doberman Pinscher
grey and gold
Age: 2 years
Adopt Me!
Finn #t
Male Dog
Cane Corso Mastiff - Presa Canario
brown brindle and white
Age: 7 years
Adopt Me!
Freckles (5896) #5896
Male Dog
Chihuahua - Beagle
white and tan brown ticking
Age: 8 years
Adopt Me!
Gracie (5554) #5554
Female Dog
Australian Shepherd
blue merle
Age: 10 years
Adopt Me!
Guero (5862) #5862
Male Dog
Labrador Retriever - Pit Bull Terrier
white and brown
Age: 4 years
Adopt Me!
Gunner (5745) #5745
Male Dog
Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler
tri-colored (black, brown, white)
Age: 5 years
Adopt Me!
Hank (5586) #5586
Male Dog
American Bulldog - American Staffordshire Terrier
black and white
Age: 5 years
Adopt Me!
Icarus (5841) #5841
Male Dog
German Shepherd Dog
black and brown
Age: 5 years
Adopt Me!
Jackson (5427) #5427
Male Dog
American Staffordshire Terrier -
brown and white
Age: 11 years
Adopt Me!
Jasper (5546) #5546
Male Dog
Pit Bull Terrier
grey and white
Age: 7 years
Adopt Me!
Jax #t
Male Dog
brown and white
Age: 12 years
Adopt Me!
Ketchup (5878) #5878
Male Dog
American Staffordshire Terrier - Pit Bull Terrier
white and black black ticking
Age: 1 year
Adopt Me!
Leche (5641) #5641
Male Dog
Boxer - Siberian Husky
white and brown
Age: 6 years
Adopt Me!
Leo #t
Male Dog
Labrador Retriever
black and white
Age: 7 years
Adopt Me!
Leo / Floki (5853) #5853
Male Dog
Chow Chow -
Age: 7 years
Adopt Me!
Lexi (5884) #5884
Female Dog
Age: 12 years
Adopt Me!
Logan #t
Male Dog
American Staffordshire Terrier - Siberian Husky
tri-colored (black, tan, white)
Age: 8 years
Adopt Me!
Louie / Luke / Oreo (5790) #5790
Male Dog
Pit Bull Terrier - McNab
tri-colored (black, white, brown)
Age: 2 years
Adopt Me!
Luna C #t
Female Dog
Pit Bull Terrier
black and white
Age: 1 year
Adopt Me!
Maddie (5851) #5851
Female Dog
American Bulldog - Pit Bull Terrier
black and white
Age: 5 years
Adopt Me!
Monty (5894) #5894
Male Dog
Doberman Pinscher
tri-colored (red, black, white)
Age: 1 year
Adopt Me!
Mustard (5859) #5859
Male Dog
Pit Bull Terrier
white and black black ticking
Age: 2 years
Adopt Me!
Nellie / Ninja (5615) #5615
Female Dog
Chow Chow
Age: 2 years
Adopt Me!
Otis (5854) #5854
Male Dog
tri-colored (tan, black, white)
Age: 3 years
Adopt Me!
Paxton (5822) #5822
Male Dog
white and brown
Age: 1 year
Adopt Me!
Pretty (5843) #5843
Female Dog
Pug - Pit Bull Terrier
brown brindle brindle
Age: 3 years
Adopt Me!
Rascal (5436) #5436
Male Dog
tri-colored (black, tan, white)
Age: 5 years
Adopt Me!
Raya (5881) #5881
Female Dog
Siberian Husky
white and apricot black and brown ticking
Age: 3 years
Adopt Me!
Ronnie / Ryuk (5893) #5893
Male Dog
Chow Chow - Jindo
red brown and white
Age: 2 years
Adopt Me!
Roxy #t
Female Dog
German Shepherd Dog
light tan and black
Age: 13 years
Adopt Me!
Rudy (5858) #5858
Male Dog
Pit Bull Terrier
Age: 6 years
Adopt Me!
Rudy Gramps (5650) #5650
Male Dog
tan and white
Age: 14 years
Adopt Me!
Ruger #t
Male Dog
Husky - Shepherd
white and charcoal
Age: 6 years
Adopt Me!
Santa (5847) #5847
Male Dog
Pit Bull Terrier
beige and white
Age: 4 years
Adopt Me!
Shef #t
Male Dog
Pit Bull Terrier
grey and white
Age: 7 years
Adopt Me!
Smiley #t
Male Dog
Golden Retriever
gold and white
Age: 2 years
Adopt Me!
Smokey (5642) #5642
Male Dog
Chow Chow
Age: 6 years
Adopt Me!
Sonora (5882) #5882
Female Dog
Rottweiler - Doberman Pinscher
black and red brown
Age: 2 years
Adopt Me!
Stewart #t
Male Dog
tan and white
Age: 13 years
Adopt Me!
Waffles #t
Female Dog
American Staffordshire Terrier
grey and white
Age: 3 years
Adopt Me!
Willow #t
Female Dog
Labrador Retriever - Doberman Pinscher
black and red brown
Age: 6 years
Adopt Me!
Zsa Zsa #t
Female Dog
American Staffordshire Terrier
grey and white
Age: 6 years
Adoptable Animals: All (56)
Adoption Application (form)
Foster Application Form (form)
Canine Adoption and Rescue League
Canine Adoption and Rescue League
Adoptable Animals: All (56)
Adoption Application (form)
Foster Application Form (form)
Aries (5806) #5806: Male Dog
Aries (5806)
ID: 5806
Dog: Pit Bull Terrier (mix)
Gender: Male
Neutered: Yes
Age: 3 years (approx.)
Color: chocolate and white
Size: Large
Weight: 96 lbs.
Available now
•Special needs
•Good with dogs
•Current on vaccinations
***Needs a Foster Home***
This dog is in need of a foster home as well as a permanent home. If you are interested in fostering please fill out an online foster application.
Hi, I'm Aries, a very friendly Pit Bull X in need of a new home as I was left behind at a relative's house and they unfortunately can't keep me.
I grew up with another dog and we constantly played together until we got bigger, then we started not getting along so much. It could be due to the fact we both weren't neutered.
I'm an active big boy who loves playing fetch and cooling off in the kiddie pools they have a the kennel. I'm a lap dog if you'll let me and love giving and receiving affection. I'm good with older children, but it's unknown how I would do with younger ones. What I don't love is being left alone for long periods of time.
I enjoy playing with other dogs and I do well in play groups at the kennel with other active dogs. I'm good on pack walks too. It's unknown how I would do with cats.
I know some basic commands, but could use some work on leash training. I'm treat motivated so that will help with teaching me new things.
I know my breed gets a bad rap, but I truly hope you'll come meet me and see what a great guy I am.
Cause you know I'm a certified good boy when the vet just has to take a picture with you when you visit for a checkup! She said I was amazing!
If you're interested in meeting me, please fill out an online application.
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© 2025 Canine Adoption and Rescue League
Ventura, CA
(805) 644-7387