Foster Application Form
Foster Application Form

C.A.R.L. Foster Application


Mailing Address - P.O. Box 5022, Ventura, CA 93005 phone: 805-644-7387 website: email: [email protected]

An online application is required to meet any of our dogs.

After you submit your application, it will be reviewed and one of our volunteers will contact you.

*Today's Date:
*Your Name:
*Home Phone:
Work Phone:
*Cell Phone:
*Home Address:
*Zip Code:
Email Address:
*Housing Type: (House, Apartment, Condo/Townhouse, Mobile Home, etc.)
Click here to join our email list.*Do you own or rent?
If rent, for how long?
If rent, please provide Landlord's name and phone number.
You and Your Household: (list all that apply)*Dog Experience: 1. Never had a dog 2. Grew up with dogs 3. 1st dog as an adult 4. 1 or 2 dogs as an adult 5. Many dogs as an adult
Household Members:*Number of Adults 18 - 29:
*Number of Adults 30 - 60:
*Number of Adults over 60:
*Number of Children:
*Ages of children, if any:
*Atmosphere: (Quiet/Calm, Moderate, Active, Lively)
*Foster Dog Will Live: Inside, Outside, Inside/Outside
*Foster Dog Will Be Alone: Rarely, 3 - 5 hours a day, 6 - 10 hours a day, More than 10 hours a day
*Type of Foster Dog(s)/Conditions Desired:
Do you have a completely fenced and secure yard?
*How high is your fence? (Please include lowest point if fence height varies.)
*Where do you prefer the foster dog to sleep at night?
*Can you transport the foster dog to adoption events? (yes/no)
If 'No' selected, please explain.
*Please list your current pets - Species, Breed, Gender, Altered, Age, How long you have had this pet
By submitting this foster application, I certify that the information I have provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand false information may void my foster application.

After you submit your application, it will be reviewed and one of our volunteers will contact you.

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